Welcome to Dresden!

Dresden citizens would like to welcome you to their city.

When it was founded in 2014, the Dresden - Place to be! e.V. association set itself the goal of making life in our city as pleasant and trouble-free as possible for new Dresdeners, wherever and for whatever reason they come to us.

Whether people come to us for professional reasons or because war has broken out in their home countries, Dresden - Place to be! e.V. wants to give everyone the chance to find a home in Dresden, either temporarily or forever.

Refugee families are intensively supported and cared for. We help in everyday life, among other things with the school, kindergarten, sports club or doctor's search and accompany with authorities.

On a sad occasion, the association has been supporting refugees from Ukraine in many ways since 24.02.2022. There is a close and friendly cooperation with the Ukrainian community of the city, in order to be able to help also here purposefully.

Furthermore, the association arranges learning and reading sponsorships for students who cannot receive support from their families, in order to give them a fair chance of education.

Dresden - Place to be! e.V. is also co-organizer of the annual Gastmahl 'Dresden is(s)t bunt', an event that promotes cosmopolitanism, tolerance and peaceful coexistence in our beautiful city.

If you would like to support our work, please do send us an email: dd.placetobe@gmail.com

or write us to

Dresden – Place to be! e.V.
Paul-Schwarze-Straße 2
01097 Dresden

We would be delighted to hear from you!